Thanks for stopping by to submit your request for your annual review.
Please watch the video below and read this page to ensure you do not miss any important info.
Thanks! -Suzanne & The NUMA Team

Request your Medicare review by clicking the button above.

We Love you, but… There will be a $100 late fee if you request a Medicare review after our October 15th deadline. Please, please, please click the button under the video and request your Medicare review before October 15th so we have plenty of time to process everyone before Thanksgiving. 

Every year, we get calls from those who missed the October 15th deadline and request an exception. This throws off our entire process and opens up room for error when processing each Medicare review (the video explains this better). Please submit your request for your Medicare review by October 15th, or there will be a $100 late fee, sorry. We do NOT want to do this, but some people are just like my husband “Joe” who gets really motivated when he is about to face a penalty lol.. for example, Tax day 🙂

Note: Every year we get calls about the TV and Radio ads that tell about the few positive benefits of specific plans. You may have a plan that does not have benefits such as dental and hearing but remember that we compare the benefits of each plan when we chose the plan you have. Do not be sidetracked by a few advantages that may be outweighed by the significant benefits that your plan has.

If you have friends or family turning 65 or retiring in the next couple of years, please help them out by having us send them a copy of Suzanne's book.
Remember, we are never too busy for your referrals!

Click here to send them a complimentary copy of Suzanne's book >>

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